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“Special art award” was given to Inci Kansu


25.01. 2016

First paper artist of Cyprus Inci Kansu was given the “special art award” by Art and Artisans Community Cultural Association (SAKUDER) in Ankara.

Inci Kansu took her award at the event of the 11th year of the establishment of SAKÜDER.


650 - Inci Kansu paper artist from Cyprus to participate in MP 2013 Aix-en-Provence



MP 2013 - Marseille Provence – European Capital of Culture       


By Heidi Trautmann


For a whole year the festivities around the MP 2013 were going on with a long chain of events. GUDGI the association of 30 independent art galleries have been expanding their paper art project and under this theme one of the member galleries, The Red Door Gallery has invited Inci Kansu from Cyprus and Woo Bock Lee from South Korea for their May exhibition in Aix-en-Provence.

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538 Turkish Cypriot artist Inci Kansu at 19th International Congress of Aesthetics in Krakow Poland

Here our artist Inci Kansu participated in the 19th Jubilee International Congress of Aesthetics - ‘Aesthetics in Action’.  

IAA – International Association For Aesthetics – was established in Berlin in 1913. The International Congress of Aesthetics is held every three years under the auspices of the Association and is the principal event in aesthetics worlwide. This was a Jubilee Congress, celebrating the 100th year and was organised by the Polish Society of Aesthetics and International Association for Aesthetics. 

Our paper artists at Kayseri University_

515 - Cyprus in Izmir - Alashia Art Group - 17 TRNC artists at the International Izmir Art Biennale

By Heidi Trautmann


Alashia – the oldest name for Cyprus, city kingdom of Cyprus – around 1500 BC mentioned in old Syrian and Egyptian trade documents. Alashia, under this image of a name 17 Cypriot artists travelled to Izmir, under the curatorship of Ayhatun Atesin, ceramic artist, and with the financial blessing and good words by the Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture, to have a group  exhibition within the framework of the grand 2nd International Izmir Art Biennale in May 2013.

The artists participating were in the order of alphabet Aşik Mene, Ayhatun Ateşin, Emel Samioğlu, Emin Çizenel, Eser Keçeci, Feridun Işıman, Gamze Anil Baykan, Gökçe Keçeci  Şekeroğlu, Güner Pir, Hikmet Uluçam Ilkay Ensoy, Inci Kansu, Ismet Tatar, Mustafa Öztunç, Özge Refik Kutsay, Pembe Gaziler, Ruhiye Onurel (Ros). A very good and interesting mélange.


263 - Inci Kansu's Exhibition "Hot Relationships" in Ankara



My friend Inci Kansu is a most active paper artist, travelling and admonishing with her art the citizens of our island to treasure its culture. She is absolutely right with what she says that the artists have the obligation to put the finger in the wound because they have been taught to see and feel the changes in our world. I have been reporting on many of her exhibitions over the years and you will find my many reviews in this website, and I am very proud of what she is doing.Now, her recent exhibition was in Ankara and she comments herself on the philosophy of her work.

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146 - Inci Kansu and Feridun Işıman - Migrating exhibition to Istanbul and Japan


Inci Kansu and Feridun Işıman

Building a bridge of art between Japan and Turkey/North Cyprus


By Heidi Trautmann


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Prof. A. Sükrü Esmer Str. No: 21 – Ortaköy, Nicosia,

North Cyprus – Mersin 10 TURKEY

TEL: +90 392 2233746 – 05448834100

E-Mail: <imkansu>

© 2020 Design by Kemal B. Caymaz

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Paper Art by Paper Artist İnci Kansu

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